10 Adverts for £690

Rightmove, Zoopla and many more
Your property will be advertised on the UK's top property portals as available inc. Rightmove & Zoopla.

Properly screened tenant leads
Looking for working professionals only? No pets? Our team will save you time by doing the initial screening and only send quality leads.

Advertised until let!
Your property is advertised until you find a tenant. Reasonable use as in T&Cs.
5 Adverts for £415
Every Advert You Place Includes:

You are in control
Edit your advert anytime on the portal. Changes published within 1 working day. See T&Cs.
Tenant credit checks & referencing*
Receive a comprehensive report covering your tenants’ credit history, income, employment and previous tenancy record.
Tenancy agreements & deposit reg.
An easy to use tenancy agreement will be provided. Deposits can be collected and registered with DPS for you (if required).

12 months legal protection*
For every tenant referenced through Prosico you get 12 months protection covering the cost of eviction if they fail to pay rent.

3 months re-let guarantee*
If your tenant leaves within 3 months, we will re-advertise your property for free.

Right to Rent Check guidance
Comprehensive guidance on conducting Right to Rent checks will be provided to you.
*Charges are £50 for a basic credit check and an additional £45 for a full reference (covering income, employment and previous tenancy checks).
The Legal Protection is only valid for tenants who successfully pass full referencing. 3 Month re-let Guarantee is not applicable for HMO Room Lets.

How Bulk Purchases Work:
Click the 'Buy Now' button under the package you want (3, 5 or 10 adverts).
Pay using our secure online payment system (or pay over the phone if you prefer).
Use your adverts within 12 months of purchasing.